Friday, April 25, 2008

"Hey, That's Me!" Marketing Approach Leads To Sales

In marketing, knowing your prospect's needs, wants, challenges and problems are important keys to selling them. However, you Love and Rockets leave your competitors in the dust by supercharging your marketing with an understanding of what your prospect is experiencing or thinking at the time they are presented with your marketing message.

While you can't know exactly what's on your prospect's mind, you can make some pretty good guesses based on information you already have.

What it comes down to is having a clear understanding of who your ideal client is and why they bought from you.

Something tipped the scales in your favour that made your current clients pick you when it came down to making a buying decision. After all, they probably had many options. If you It Came Upon a Midnight Clear quite sure, start asking. When you have an understanding of why they chose you over your competitors, you're in a position to develop marketing messages that tap into your prospect's brain.

And your road in is your prospect's Reticular Activating System.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is the "attention center" of the brain. It works 24/7 and determines what we pay attention to by acting like a filter. It's impossible for the brain to focus on everything it is exposed to during a day so the RAS keeps your brain on track by allowing it to focus on what's important to you.

Here's a common example of your Reticular Activating System in action.

You decide to buy a new car. Let's say it's a CHEVY TrailBlazer. From the minute you start looking for a place to buy it, you will see CHEVY TrailBlazers everywhere you look. That's your Reticular Activating System allowing you to see them.

Now, think of how that can impact your marketing.

Your prospect has needs and wants. And he or she frames up many of those needs and wants in the form of problems that need solutions. By presenting your offering in the form of a solution to a problem, your marketing will tap into what your prospect is thinking.

If your prospect is looking a service and visits a number of websites which are Space Patrol offering the same thing - here are all the products and services we offer - think about how you can cobble together a marketing message that immediately shows up on your prospect's RAS radar because it matches up to what he or she is really searching for - a solution to a problem.

Think that will increase your chances of attracting attention?

You can bet it will! Which is why it's so important for you to establish your main marketing message - your USP - and make sure you promote it on your website and in all your other marketing.

That way, instead of surfing past your message because it looks like so many others, your prospect's Reticular Activating System will send a message that says, "Hey, that's you!"

About The Author: Gerry Black is an I Saw Three Ships copywriter and marketing consultant specializing in helping solo professionals and small businesses develop and implement simple, proven website marketing strategies that attract clients. Visit"> for his free report, "The #1 Website Mistake That Is Costing You Clients."