Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Greatest Law Of Success

I just read a book titled, "21 Laws of Success." It was a nice book, full of all donate your used car right stuff you should expect from a motivational book. But it lacked one thing! It did not contain the greatest law of success.

What is the greatest law of success? Do you know Virginia Lemon Laws it is? Are you obeying it? How have you fared with it? Probably you don't even know what it is.

Ok. I'll tell you. The greatest law of success is...wait! Hold on a second! Before I tell you what the greatest law of success is, let me ask you a few questions. Your answers to these questions will enable you better appreciate and convince you to start obeying that law immediately you learn what it is. Now the questions and your answers...

Are you thoroughly and completely satisfied with your current position in life?

Have you attained your dream?

Do you feel like a miserable failure right now?

Will you give anything just to change your life situation?

Alright, injury claims No more questions. I'm not about to get you depressed. But now I want you to answer the questions as truthfully as you know it. What do you think?

If you are not satisfied with your life, you haven't however achieved your lifelong dream or at least on your way to achieving it, and injury claims you cider yourself a failure and you cant wait to see success in your life, there's a huge chance that you don't know what the greatest law of success is or if you do, you do not obey it.

So what is the greatest law of success?

The greatest law of success is that: LEARN AND APPLY.

No don't scoff and stop reading in disgust. I know it's so ordinary and so simple. however disregard for that one law is the cash for structured settlement why most persons don't achieve meaningful throughout their lives.

Think about it for a moment. How many times have you learned something which held the promise to give you a certain set of results, however you didn't apply it?

Most folks think that all they need to do is simply learn how to do something and then they'll get the desired result. that is the Purpose millions of copies of motivational and inspirational books, videos, and tapes get sold every year, however the millions who read them remain failures. Have you noticed that if you go to 10 seminars that year, you invariably get to see about 80% of the same persons attending them? that has made a lot of persons to become a storehouse of knowledge but the irony is tat they do not make use of it. What a waste!

So what is the problem? The problem is they *learn*...but they fail to *apply*.

You cannot become a great chess player simply by reading a book on how to play chess. You cannot become a renowned stock analyst by only attending a seminar where you learn how to pick stocks and then go home and wait for the money to roll in without ding anything further. And of course, you cannot become classy tennis player by simply watching re-runs of the US Open on TV.

In every of these cases, you only become good by and then great at it by going out into the real world and putting into practice what you have learnt. You might even fail along the way, however you must stand up and press on until you can do it flawlessly. That is when you can succeed at dong it every and every time.

Applying simply means doing, taking action. There is plenty evidence from persons all over the world who have 'cracked' the success code that there is no other way around winning than doing. If you want to have success, if you truly desire to take control of your life, if you sincerely want to change your position from being little to becoming big, if you really want to start living your dream, then you must LEARN AND APPLY.

So start today, my friend. Learn and apply. That is the surest path to success.

Go. Success is yours.

2007 Ikenna Nzimora. Ike is not called the Success Rebel for nothing! Check out his work, 'Failure Buster! The One and Only but Often Ignored Success Technique That Works Every Single Time Without Fail'-GUARANTEED! Click and go to the internet


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